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Fable 149 - The Two Scarab Beetles

A bull grazed on a little island and two scarab beetles nourished themselves on his dung. As winter approached, one of them said to
the other that he thought he would cross over to the mainland. He said he would chance it and go and spend the winter across the strait.
If he found plenty of food there he would bring him some. He pointed out that there would be more for the other beetle
to eat if he were alone.
So the beetle few across the water to the mainland where he came across many fresh dung droppings. He settled himself down on
them and began to eat heartily. The winter passed and he flew back to the island. His friend, seeing him so fat and healthy, reminded
him of his promise and reproached him for never coming back for him. But the selfish beetle replied:
‘Oh, don’t blame me. It’s simply the nature of the locality, you know. True, you can find enough to live on there, but you just can’t bring it back with you.’
One could apply this fable to those who are superficial friends, entertaining in company but hopeless at being any help otherwise.